Proper disposal of your expired and unused prescription medications can prevent Rx abuse and protect the environment.
Less drugs on the streets means less potential for abuse
51% of nonmedical prescription pain reliever users obtain their drugs for free from a friend or relative. (Just to be clear we consider a nonmedical user to be someone who takes prescription medication without a prescription or without a legitimate medical need). If this stat surprises you we understand because most of the time these medications are taken without your knowledge or permission.
9.7 Million People Aged 12 or Older Who Misused Pain Relievers in the Past Year
Source: SAMHSA, 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (September 2020)
Source: SAMHSA, 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (September 2020)
Ever go to the doctor, get a prescription for an injury or ailment and end up with left over medication? You’re not the only one! Keeping unused prescription drugs around your house isn’t a good idea because research clearly shows this is where most nonmedical prescription medication abusers obtain their drugs.
This activity is a leading cause of abuse and its especially true regarding teenagers. Most teenagers who have misused pain relievers obtained the medications from friends or relatives.
We all know prescription drug abuse is a significant public health and public safety issue. When used as prescribed, prescription drugs are essential to keeping millions of Americans and people across the world healthy. With local Rx disposal sites you now have an easy way to directly reduce the risk of prescription drug abuse.
This activity is a leading cause of abuse and its especially true regarding teenagers. Most teenagers who have misused pain relievers obtained the medications from friends or relatives.
We all know prescription drug abuse is a significant public health and public safety issue. When used as prescribed, prescription drugs are essential to keeping millions of Americans and people across the world healthy. With local Rx disposal sites you now have an easy way to directly reduce the risk of prescription drug abuse.
Proper disposal protects our environment (learn more).
Accidental Poisoning
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, medicines are the most common poison exposure category in the U.S. and unfortunately, when medicines are not stored or discarded properly, people can get sick and/or die.
Pain medications were the single most frequent cause of pediatric fatalities reported to Poison Control between 2014 and 2018. (Source:
Pain medications were the single most frequent cause of pediatric fatalities reported to Poison Control between 2014 and 2018. (Source:
Senior Citizens
Senior citizens, who are the biggest consumers of Rx medications, can get sick due to the consumption of out-of-date medicines stored in the home. Use of these drugs to treat new problems can result in confusion over dosages, which medicines take, etc. (source)
The Prescription (Rx) drug drop boxes have been provided by the Building A Positive Community [BAPC], Greater Falls Connections, Deerfield Valley Community Partnership, The Collaborative, and West River Valley Thrives as a prevention strategy to address concerns of prescription drug misuse in Windham County, Vermont. The boxes were purchased from The National Association of Drug Diversion Program [NADDI] using federal grant funding through the Drug-Free Communities Support Program.